Actriz, monologuista, cuentacuentos y doblajes

Su voz es su mejor virtud. La herramienta con la cual ha sabido sacarle partido destacando en
televisiones y radios, Alicia Decibelios es mas conocida como la voz de La Niña Repelente

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Monologuista en Ingles (Alicia Decibelios)

The same she act to Tablada´s Army Air, that in a Pub or TV, she was collaborated with several comedians and TV presenters like: Buenafuente (a show similar to Jay Leno late night show) Alicia take u to a laughter state, she will tell a monologue based on her everyday life.

She is a versatile artist entrepreneur, She is 28 years old and has the defect or virtue of having an 8 year old voice, will Alicia´s voice a default or a blessing? How she came take advantage of your voice? In the TV reality show "Tu si que vales" She has become famous for naughty, she will imitate cartoon characters, like the Smurfs, Aqua singer voice...
A part of acting in theaters, television, theaters and theme parks (Magic Island) nationwide, she has performed for countless institutions like Ministry of Innovation, Group Neteman, various Councils, Youth National Delegations, etc ...

Alicia performs in pair, with her comedian boyfriend "Er Boliche", He is a showman presenter and entertainments writer, winner of eight National Awards and two International Awards script and humor, was also selected by the call "Canal Plus scripts". 2002

Get hooked on his voice and his humor, boasting an original and quirky character show.

NOTE: Soon, I will upload a inglish monologue vid, sorry for the inconvenience.

- Sevilla, Club de Suboficiales de Tablada (Army Air of Tablada)
- Benidorm, Hotel Gran Villaitana Resort
- Logroño, La Rioja, London Café Siglo
- Madrid,Ciudad Real, Opening Youth Center again in Daimiel, we were picked by the Mayor of Castilla la Mancha and the Councillor for Youth
- Madrid, Torrejon de Ardoz, La Casa Grande
- Madrid, Estremera, Teatro Centro Cultural Camilo José Cela
- Madrid, La chocita del Loro
- Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Sala Shamaray
- Alicante, Clan Cabaret Café Teatro
- Málaga, Villanueva de Argaidas, Casa de la Cultura (House of Culture)
- Huelva, Cartaya, Centro Cultural de la Villa, Ayuntamiento de Cartaya
- Huelva, Aljaraque, We act three consecutive days at the Theater Corrales, II Cap Fair, organized by the Hon. City of Aljaraque
- Cádiz, Palacio de Congresos, Día Mundial del Sida
- Sevilla, Teatro Once DT
- Sevilla, Paramount Cómedy Channel

TELECINCO TV: 4º Gala Tu Si Que Vales, Gestmusic, Barcelona
CANAL SUR TV: Contestant Saque Bola, presented by Manu Sanchez skills quiz, humor and imitations, award more sympathetic contestant in Andalusia
LA SEXTA TV: BUENAFUENTE entrevista a Alicia Decibelios “El Terrat”
TV DAIMIEL: Monólogo inauguración de un centro Juvenil en Daimiel
ANTENA3 TV: Especial humor La Ruleta de la Fortuna “Martin Gala”
LA 2 TV: El Rey de la Comedia “Globomedia Grupo Árbol”
CANAL 12 TV: Magazín de humor
CANAL SUR 2 TV: La noche del Mono-logo “Ítaca Producciones” junto a Pedro Reyes, Pepin Tre y Sindrome Clown
CANAL SUR TV: "El Público lee" hablando sobre un libro de humor Ingles
CANAL SUR 2 TV: Entrevista “Las mil y una noches” con Joaquín Petit “Ítaca Producciones”
GIRALDA TV: Giralda Directo “Actuación en Teatro Once DT Humor y Monólogos”
LOCALIATV: Emprendedores

RADIO DAIMIEL: entrevista
RADIO SIETE entrevista a humoristas (Valencia)
RÀDIO BREDA, "Ja soc aqui" Entrevista a Alicia Decibelios (Barcelona)
RÀDIO BERGA "Berguedá Matí" Anécdotas y humor (Barcelona)
RÀDIO BERGA "El virus de la Papaia" Entrevistas y humor (Barcelona)
RÀDIO STAR TERRASSA "Entrevista a Alicia Decibelios" (Barcelona)
RADIO MILLENIUM ALICANTE "Improvisando" Humor y entrevistas improvisadas (Alicante)
RADIO LIBERTAD "Dolce vita" espacio de humor (Madrid)
RADIO NACIONAL ESPAÑA "Emprendedores" (Madrid)

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